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He bought a guitar the day before for the occasion. He offered to sing a series of songs to help raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities, including 'I Can See Clearly Now',' 'Don't Worry About A Thing,' and 'Three Little Birds.' The customer experience leader has been working at McDonald's since 2012, but it wasn’t until 2017 that he first showcased his talents. “I never thought anybody would ever enjoy anything I did quite like this.” “Performing is hard work but when I see surprised and happy people dancing, singing, and taking their phones out to film while they wait, I'm humbled. “I wait for the shift to be staffed well enough so people don't start asking, 'why doesn't he just get my cheeseburger?' - and I will get going.

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Sometimes just a few songs, sometimes I can go all night long - just call me Lionel Richie Walker! Richard, from Streatham, said: “I sing almost every night.

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His manager then offered him a permanent slot at the London Liverpool Street branch, and now he regularly belts out his tunes from behind the counter. Richard Walker, 31, first sang at the fast food restaurant five years ago - and found that fans returned to ask about when his next show would be. A McDonald's worker has become a local celebrity - by regularly bursting into song during shifts.

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