Las vegas gay bars and clubs

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Don't forget to check out the visual art, from outdoor installations and sculptures to indoor paintings and photography, scattered around Smith Center's five acre campus. Reynolds Symphony Park for concerts, an outdoor courtyard, and more. S Bar, a concept by Global Lifestyle & Hospitality Brand. Schwarz Architects, Inc., the firm behind Fort Worth, Texas' Bass Performance Hall and Nashville, Tennessee's Schermerhorn Symphony Center), The Smith Center boasts three distinct indoor performance spaces-the 2,050-seat Reynolds Hall, 240-seat Myron's Cabaret Jazz room, and 250-seat Troesh Studio Theater-plus a grassy, outdoor 1.9 acre Donald W. Mandalay Bay offers an exciting Las Vegas experience from the sandy beach to the beautifully.

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Gold LEED certified and Art Deco-inspired (the design team includes David M. 2012 saw opening of Las Vegas' world class The Smith Center For The Performing Arts, which hosts touring Broadway productions as part of its Broadway Las Vegas Series (a partial 2021 line-up includes Hadestown, 'The Cher Show,' 'Tootsie,' 'Frozen,' Aaron Sorkin's version of 'To Kill A Mockingbird,' and 'My Fair Lady'), and is home to seasonal performances by Las Vegas Philharmonic and Nevada Ballet Theatre.

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